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​A member of the North Carolina Community Action Association, is a private non-profit Community Action Agency that provides services to low-income, Veterans, and military families, in multiple counties along the North Carolina coast. The programs administered by the agency include: Section 8 Housing, Community Services Block Grant- Family Self Sufficiency Program (CSBG-FSS), and our NC  FALL Prevention Program.

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Who We Are

Provide comprehensive services with many tools designed to address the needs of the entire family unit. ECHSA, Inc. administers programs that provide participants with the highest possibility of becoming economically and socially self-sufficient. This enables members of the family to earn a better living through education and training, plan for their financial future, receive short-term assistance with housing and nutrition, and provide a safe and loving environment for their children when they are not in school. By doing so, parents can concentrate on restoring their lives for a better situation.

                     What We Do
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© 2016 by Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency, Inc. All Rights Reserved. "An Equal Opportunity Employer."

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